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Coastal Pro Team Member, Kurtis Chongkee from HawaiiMy name is Kurtis Chong kee. I was born and raised on the island of Maui, in Hawaii. I started fishing from day one with my dad, grew up shoreline fishing and boat fishing with my dad and uncles. Once I was old enough to drive I started fishing off my jet ski and pretty much blew up the jet ski fishing in Maui. I turned Pro at 29 years old and now compete throughout the state in boat tournaments and fish all of the Maui shoreline tournaments as well. I turned Pro at an older age because for us here in Hawaii it's not all about winning and being number One. Here its a way of life and we support our families this way, and if I can take care of my family by fishing and hunting, that's all the winning I need. Anything is possible in fishing, you just have to give it all your heart and if you can do that you will never be disappointed.🤙🏽 Kurtis Chongkee

Check Chongkee out at @kurtischongkee on all Social media